Unlocking the Power of CRM with Seamless Vtiger Upgrades

In the dynamic landscape of customer relationship management (CRM), having an up-to-date system is imperative for success. As a dedicated professional at Boru, Inc., I understand that the value of a cutting-edge CRM platform like Vtiger cannot be overstated. That’s why I’m thrilled to share our expertise in Vtiger upgrades up to the latest edition […]

Vtiger Customization: Set the Calendar End Time to Your Work Day End Time

Vtiger’s standard calendar allows you to set the start time for your work day, but has a fixed time of midnight for the end of the work day.  We created a customization for a client so they can choose the end of their work day on their calendar.  This makes it easier to view your events for the day. Contact […]

Vtiger Columns: Change Column Width

A client’s standard open source Vtiger created a problem where they could not view all of the summary information for a record in list-view Vtiger Columns.  This was due to two reasons so we provided a two-part solution. First, the width of the Vtiger columns was too wide and so the client could not view […]