Boru Authorize.Net User Guide

[accordions] [accordion title=”Access Boru Authorize.Net”] Open vTiger Mouse over the “Settings” icon Hit “CRM Settings” Click on “Module Manager” Select “Custom Modules” Tab Click on the Hammer next to the installed module name [/accordion] [accordion title=”Configure Boru Authorize.Net”] “INSTALL TRANSACTION RELATED LIST ON INVOICES” – Once you click here, it will add new related list […]

Boru Appointment Confirmation User Guide

Configuring a Campaign The drip configurations section is where you specify individual drip campaigns. These are centered around calendar records. To create a new drip campaign, enter a name for it in the text box at the bottom of the “Drip Name” column and click the “Add” button. This will create an empty campaign with […]

Activity Quick Add User Guide

Vtiger Activity Quick Add This module was designed to allow users to quickly and efficiently schedule activities linked to any vTiger entity. Lists of activities can be created for each entity, each maintaining their own settings. One or many activities can be added with very few clicks and without leaving the screen, eliminating often repetitive […]

Boru Module Creator User Guide

Boru Module Creator The usage should be pretty intuitive in terms of how it works. Outside of on caveat. The ModuleCreator does not Auto-Install the created module. It will create the module, and create a zip file that must be downloaded from the ‘list’ within the module, and then use that zip file to install […]

Quick Call History LCA User Guide

[accordions] [accordion title=”Quick Call History Settings”] Version x.xx.xx – Current version of your module. Uninstall Module – You can completely remove the module. Include Event Type? – You can include or exclude the event type drop down in the Quick Call Gadget(on the record view). Note, if set to “No” – the event type will […]

Google Contact User Guide

[accordions] [accordion title=”Google Apps Integration”] In order for your Contacts to sync – you have to check “ContactSync” checkbox. It is checked by default. Revoke – To remove your Google account from the sync module. Update – To update your Google token. [/accordion] [accordion title=”Trigger Sync Manually”] When clicked – selected vTiger contacts will be […]

Google Calendar User Guide

[accordions] [accordion title=”Google Apps Integration”] In order for your calendar to sync – you have to check “CalendarSync” checkbox. It is checked by default. Revoke – To remove your Google account from the sync module. Update – To update your Google token. [/accordion] [accordion title=”Trigger Sync Manually”] “Sync to Google” – all vTiger events will […]

Google Maps User Guide

[accordions] [accordion title=”vTiger Module Settings”] Select The Module – This is where you select the module you are configuring. All the settings above and below the drop downs are related to the selected module. After you update the settings make sure you Save them. Included In the Panel – If “Yes” then object will show […]

Google Docs User Guide

[accordions] [accordion title=”Google Docs Settings”] It will list all modules in your current vTiger. Select modules in which you want to show Google Docs Sync widget. [/accordion] [accordion title=”Sync vTiger to Google and Vice Versa”] When you are on a module, there is a widget of this module “Google Docs Sync”. Click to Add Google […]

Boru Email Linker User Guide

This is a summary flow chart to help you understand how the email linker works: Enhanced Email linker is a tool which will help you to track and link the emails which are not linked to any vTiger entity. Basic functions: 1) You can filter the emails based on the user who sent/received emails. 2) […]