Email Contacts Who Purchased a Specific Product

Enhances your Vtiger capabilities by enabling targeted communication with customers who have purchased a specific product.
Prevent Duplicate Emails

Description Screenshots Description Duplicate record check in the real time Supported Full Edit and Create views Unable to create contact if found a duplicate email address Popup message in the real time Screenshots RELATED PRODUCTS Previous Next Contact us for a free demo
Local Weather & Local Time

View weather conditions and predictions for the zip codes you choose within any module with a summary view.
Opportunity Screen Contacts Widget

Save time by accessing and managing contacts linked to Vtiger Opportunities.
Vtiger Quick Create Forms Module

Quickly create new records across all standard Vtiger modules from any page within your Vtiger CRM.
PopUp Reminder Tool

Manage reminders in Vtiger just like you can in Outlook.
Vtiger Digital Signature

Streamline your processes, go paperless, and save money with the Boru Vtiger Digital Signature app. This Vtiger extension offers secure signature/document management for a fraction of the cost of DocuSign. And best of all, it integrates with Vtiger.
Multiple Outgoing Email Server Add-on

Open source vTiger’s email function is extremely limiting in the actions it allows users to make. It only allows for outgoing emails to be sent from a generic email address. Not only is this annoying, but it is also detrimental to your relations with clients, as all emails they will receive from your company will […]
Custom Vtiger Dashboards

When you log into Vtiger, you’re doing it for a reason. You need to know about your monthly sales, your new contacts, your profitability for the last month and your forecast for the next — and you need to know about it now. You need to know which areas need your attention immediately, and which […]
Boru Vtiger Workflow

Boru’s Workflow provides you with powerful automation giving you greater control over your drip campaigns and more!