Round Robin User Guide

  • The Boru Round Robin module lets you easily assign new records to vTiger users in a highly flexible way, and provides feedback to let you know that they’re following up on the assignments.
    • In order to start using the roundrobin module, follow the installation instructions carefully, then create a new vTiger user called “roundrobin.” For any modules whose records should be distributed using the roundrobin process, make sure all new records are assigned to this user.

[accordion title=”Module and Field Configurations”]

  • In the module and Field Configurations section, you can specify which modules will be active for Round Robin, and which fields in these modules will be used to distribute records. For example, if you have a field in your Leads module for “Zip Code” you can distribute Leads in specific zip codes to specific agents.
  • To set up Round Robin for a module, select it from the “Module” drop down, select the field you wish to use to distribute the leads (or select “–NONE–” to distribute leads without evaluating any field) , then click “Add”
Distributing Records According to the Value of a Field
  • If you wish to only distribute certain types of records to certain users based on the values of a given field, select that field in the dropdown menu.

Distributing Records Regardless of Field Values
  • If you wish to distribute records for a given module to all users who are set up in Round Robin, and you aren’t concerned about only distributing certain records to certain users (e.g., where there is no need to limit eligible users based on zip code, status, etc.), then select “–NONE–” in the fields dropdown in the “Module and Field Configurations” settings.

[accordion title=”User Configurations”]

  • In the “User Configurations” section, you can select which users should be active for Round Robin, and which field values (for the fields selected in Module and Field Configurations) those sales people will available for in the configured modules.
  • To turn a user on/off in Round Robin, set the radio button next to their username and click “Update”.
  • To configure field values for which a user will be available, click their username in this section, then enter the field values in the text box under the appropriate field name and click “Add”. [Note: if field was set to “–NONE–” in the “Module and Field Configurations”, then setting a value here will have no effect, since there is no field selected for comparison.]

[accordion title=”Notification Settings”]

  • The Notification settings section allows you to specify whether or not to send notifications to users when new records are assigned to them. Click “Email” or “SMS” checkboxes to send an email or text message to agents on assignment.
  • If Email notifications are turned on, you can click the “Require Followup” checkbox to force agents to respond to an assignment by clicking “Accept” or “Decline” in the notification email. You can also specify a followup interval; If agents don’t click the Accept/Decline button within this window of time, the record will be automatically reassigned to “Roundrobin” and redistributed to the next available agent.

[accordion title=”Assignment Schedule”]

  • The “Assignment Schedule” section allows you to specify which hours/days of the week on which the Roundrobin process will run. When Roundrobin is not running, new records will stay assigned to the roundrobin user until the next time it turns on.

[accordion title=”Catch-All User”]

  • The Catch-All user can be specified to take in all records which, for whatever reason, can’t be assigned to other users.


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