If you are frustrated by the number of clicks required to do a search in vTiger, you’ll like our improved Super Search.
- the search fields are always open at the top of the search page — you don’t have to choose the search field from a drop down
- the most common search fields are immediately/always available for search
- you have the ability to choose which search fields you can use and how many
- when you conduct your search, you have the ability to select the specific modules that you conduct your search under, whether it be one or all, so that you find exactly what you are looking for with greater ease
- you can quickly narrow your search by
~ entering two search fields at once — an “and” search (e.g. first name contains “Jim” and last name contains “Smith”)
~ specifying whether vTiger should conduct the search in Contacts, Accounts, Leads, or some other module - you can save yourself clicks by searching for contacts that are linked to a specific account rather than using the account search window and drilling into the contacts.
- Super Search has the streamlined ability to add new data if you don’t find the results you are looking for in the database. Any data you enter in your search will automatically fill the same field in a contact/account/lead add window.
Vtiger Super Search is no longer available for sale. If there is any way Boru can help your business needs, please click the button below to contact us. We would love to hear from you!
[button color=”custom” size=”default” light=”no” icon=”fa-comments” open_in_new_window=”yes” link=”https://www.boruapps.com/contact-us/ “]Contact Us[/button]