Vtiger 7 Feature: Improvement from Vtiger 6 – Product Record has an ‘Active’ Default
Vtiger 7 now has the improved default feature of ‘Product Active’ when you create a product record. In Vtiger 6, the default was ‘Product Inactive’ and this was often confusing to users because the product record they had just made was not available to select. See the difference below. Contact us to learn more or for help with […]
Vtiger Customization: Widget Tabs to Find Data Faster and Save Space
Our client’s widget lists on Vtiger 6 were so long, they could not find the necessary data. We helped them avoid this issue by creating a tabbed widget that filters the data into tabs based on chosen conditions. The Widget Tabs: Save space – they take up less area on your screen because the data is in different […]
Vtiger 7 Feature: Control Your Email Signature with Toggle Checkbox
The new toggle checkbox in Vtiger 7 helps users avoid adding a second signature in their email compose window. While emailing in Vtiger 6, users had no way to tell if their signature was present and this often caused them to add the signature again so it appeared twice in emails. This new feature not only makes it […]
Vtiger Feature: Adjust Maximum Text Length in List View
Shorten or lengthen the text in list view in both Vtiger 6 and Vtiger 7. It is a nice way to either condense the information and view more records on one page or lengthen the text to view the complete title in list view. Go to CRM Settings > Configuration > Configuration Editor Image: Configuration Editor Image: Text […]
Vtiger 6 Customization: HUD Tool that Combines Customer History Similar to New Vtiger 7 Touchpoints
We created a HUD tool for a customer (read about HUD pages here) that combines the email history, phone call history, and comments in Vtiger 6 into one section so contact history is easy to review / track. They are listed in chronological order. We also do this customization in Vtiger 7 because although the […]
Vtiger 7 Feature: Today Button on Date Picker
There is a small but handy new feature that allows you to set dates for today. In Vtiger 7, you simply click on the “Today” button located below the calendar, instead of having to scroll or manually enter today’s date like you do in the Vtiger 6 date picker. Vtiger 6 Compared to Vtiger 7 […]
Vtiger 7 Tips & Tricks: Personalize Your Module Summary View with Key Fields
Key Fields are shown at the top of the summary view in most module records. This includes the records in Organizations, Contacts, Leads, Quotes, Opportunities, Sales Orders, and more. “Key Fields” section in an Organization Record: It is simple to personalize what fields are shown. How to Set It Up: Go to the following location Settings > CRM Settings […]
Vtiger Customization: HUD Sales Tool to Quickly Update & Oversee Opportunities – All on One Page
Entering customer data is a laborious task and requires time that salespeople may not have when they need to update information. We see this problem often with our clients, and recently helped a company that was losing data and sales because of this issue. Instead of going through the long data-entry process across multiple pages, […]
Vtiger Customization: Make it Easy for Your Sales Team to Update Opportunities
Our client requested an easier flow for creating and updating opportunities because they found that their sales team was not adding information in their company’s Vtiger CRM. This led to lost information and weaker sales outcomes. To combat this problem, Boru created a tool that simplified the process of entering data and saved the salespeople time. With this […]
Vtiger 7 Tips & Tricks: Small Change for Advanced Global Search
Vtiger 6.5 and Vtiger 7 have the same advanced searches, but they have different buttons to activate the pop-up. Vtiger 7 uses an arrow symbol for the button instead of the word “Advanced”, and the image below shows a quick comparison of this difference. Contact us to learn more or for help with your Vtiger database!