[accordion title=”Quick Call User Guide”]
- 1. After the installation, the module will appear on the records detail view.
- 2. Enter the notes of the call/follow up.
- 3. “Create Call History” is checked by default, when it’s checked it will create a completed activity with the #2 notes.
- The activity subject will be truncated to first 100 characters of the notes(#2).
- 4. “Schedule New Call” is unchecked by default, when it’s checked it will create a pending activity with the #2 notes.
- The activity subject will be truncated to first 100 characters of the notes(#2).
- 5. Select the date for the follow up
- Note: the time for the new activity will default to 9:00AM.
- 6. Click “Create” and you will receive the success message.