If you have a large Vtiger database, you may experience slow loading time while in list views. If you want to speed things up, try this trick. You will need some database administration skills to do it or you can contact us for more help.
Modify the sorting default for the Vtiger mysql database — see below for the technical details. Currently, the default is set at ‘the last modified time’ and when large amounts of files need to be sorted it causes slower loading performance, and, of course, frustration for the user.
Our developers found that by changing the list view sorting default from ‘true’ to ‘false’, the performance response time improved dramatically. The new list view sorting default is the ‘name’ field for the module (e.g. Opportunity Name, etc.), and it usually loads at least 10 times faster.
In addition, you can speed things up in Vtiger by optimizing the database indices or even making coding changes. Please feel free to contact us if you would like more information.
Here are developer instructions on how to change your Vtiger list view sorting default:
There is a setting in config.performance.php that you can toggle to change this behavior. Change ‘LISTVIEW_DEFAULT_SORTING’ from ‘true’ to ‘false’.